Thursday, March 17, 2011

New projects we make

A few new projects we were shown how to make or we figured out on our own how to do them. We really love this craft. I have given away some chain earrings. My crafting partner my mom has sold some beadcage earrings. We both have given away the beaded bookmarks.
Chain Earrings with bicones of various sizes
These are really simple to make also and very light to wear. I love what you can do with them use different beads as long as they fit in the chain. Beadcage Earrings with a variety of colors these particular ones are made with 4,6,8mm bicones.
Our local bead store we saw a worker in their wearing a pair of these and just fell in love. We asked them to show us how to make them. These now seem really simple. They can be made with different variety of beads as well.

We saw beaded bookmarks and hated the cost. This was really easy to figure out.